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ICT 관련 동향/ITIL 4

Service Value Chain

by 노벰버맨 2022. 12. 29.

1. Service Value Chain의 개요

가. Service Value Chain의 정의

-a set of interconnected activities that an organization performs to deliver a valuable product or service or to facilitate value realization


나. Service Value Chain의 특징

-SVS의 핵심

-서비스 제공의 결과를 통해 서비스 가치를 달성하기 위해 수행되어야 할 주요 활동 (6가지 활동)

-SDLC = ITIL v3 IT Service LifeCycle (Strategy > Development > Transition > Operation > Improvement)

-DevOps, 중앙 집중식 IT 등 다양한 접근 방식에 적응 가능한 유연한 구조

-각 SVC 내의 활동들은 상호 보완적임

-각 활동들은 특정 목표를 가지고 있으며 가치 흐름을 지원하는데 부합하도록 구성


2. Service Value Chain의 개념도 및 구성요소

가. Service Value Chain의 개념도


나. Service Value Chain의 구성요소

Activity Feature Description
Plan 전략적인 활동
서비스/제품=조직 비전/방향
-understading of the vision, current status, improvement direction for all four dimenstions, product/service
Improve 지속적인 개선활동 -the continual improvement of product, services and practices acress all the service value chain activities and the four dimensions of service management
Engage 모든 이해관계자 포함 -understanding of stakeholder needs, transparency, and good relationship
-take requirements from customers and transform them into design requirements for design & tansition
Design & Transition 4 Dimension 고려
이해관계자 목표/기대 = 총 소유비용
-ensure that services and products meet stakeholder expectations (quality, cost, time to market)
-provide specifications for obtain/build activity
-deliver new and changed service/products
Obtain & Build Product/Service 구축, 성능 통합, 테스트 및 확인 -ensure that all service components are available when and where needed, and that they meet the agree specifications
-requirement are transformed into service component (Design & Transition, Deliver & Support)
Deliver & Support Product/Service 제공 -deliver services and products to the customer
-ensure that such delivery meets agreed specifications and the stakeholders expectations

'ICT 관련 동향 > ITIL 4' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Practices  (0) 2023.01.02
Governance  (0) 2022.12.29
Guiding Principles  (0) 2022.12.29
Service Value System  (0) 2022.12.28
