Principles2 Guiding Principles 가. guiding principles의 정의 -a recommendation that guides an organization in all circumstance 나. guiding principles의 개념도 다. guiding principles의 구성요소 -seven(7) guiding principles Principles Feature Discriptions Focus on value 가치 전달 -the value of the service = the perspective of customers and stakeholders -value realization > value creation Start where you are 현재 상태 (As is) 미래 상태 (To be) * -getting .. 2022. 12. 29. Service Value System 1. Service Value System의 정의: -how all the components and activities of the organization work together as a system to enable value creation 2. Service Value System의 개념도 3. Service Value System의 구성요소 SVC feature Description guiding principles 일관성, 효과적, 효율적 수행 보장 방안 제공 -recommendations that can guide an organization in all circumstances, regardless of changes in its goals, stragegies, type of work,.. 2022. 12. 28. 이전 1 다음